Hey Rusty - Your results are in for

Roofnail Pro*

  • Company Website: www.roofnailpro.com
  • Primary Company Type: SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Subtype: RoofNail Pro is a subscription service for roofing contractors, delivering roofing nails and other supplies, on a regular schedule to ensure they never run out. This service simplifies inventory management and keeps projects running smoothly.

*Disclaimer: Roofnail Pro may be a made-up company, but it will still demonstrate the outcome of answering these 3 questions →

These are the results you'll get

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Your TAM

Insights into your Total Addressable Market for your company, highlighting local any market nuances.

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Your Traffic

Monitoring your website traffic, estimating visitor numbers and conversion rates with a touch of magic.

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Other Info

Other Details

After analyzing your online footprint, we can give estimates on churn, CAC and cost per SQL.

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A brief overview of what we've found, what needs work and some opportunities for growth.

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Rusty's TAM

This is the Total Addressable Market for Roofers in the US, which would become the basis for an ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) document and all the rest of the efforts fall from this activity.

  • Estimated Total Roofing Companies in the U.S.: ~121,429
  • Estimated Companies with $1M to $5M in Revenue: ~4,612
  • Estimated Companies with $5M+ in Revenue: ~14,857

Answer these 3 Simple Questions and see your TAM.

Rusty's Traffic

Discover Rusty's traffic insights over the past three months. Delve into an analysis of the key sources fueling website visits and the overarching traffic patterns.

*Please note, these figures are estimates, not exact data. The graph is clickable in the legend.

Rusty's other details...

So, we dug deep into Rusty's online trail and uncovered some juicy details for roofnailpro.com. It seems like this info is flying under the radar for many, but trust us, you'll want to know it.

Churn Rate



Customer Acquisition Cost



Cost Per Meeting (SQL)



Summary | roofnailpro.com

  • Your TAM is looking pretty good. Just be careful not to narrow down your ICP too much, as it could restrict your opportunities. Interestingly enough the TAM analysis has a "gap" in the $1-5m revenue range, be mindful of that.
  • Your traffic is decent, but there appear to be some inconsistencies in how the content is being delivered.
  • Churn rate is sky-high, so it's time to roll up your sleeves and either fix the issue or start leveraging reviews. Selling your way out of this one just won't cut it.
  • The CAC is a bit on the high side, but with some tweaks, you can start to bring it down. Just make sure to keep an eye on churn and address any issues accordingly.
  • The SQL estimate is a bit on the high side, but hey, we can work on bringing it down. It's all part of the game, right? Just keep an eye out for those factors, like churn.

Hey Rusty, thanks for taking a look at this! If you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Feel free to schedule a meeting to discuss how we can support you further.

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